MacCormack CP & Snow RW
MacCormack CP & Snow RW(1986). What do people think of bednets? Parasitology Today, 1: 147-148[PMID: 15275589]
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Greenwood BM, Greenwood AM, Bradley AK, Shenton FC, Smith AW, Snow RW, Williams K, Eggelte JA, Huikshoven M de Witt
Greenwood BM, Greenwood AM, Bradley AK, Shenton FC, Smith AW, Snow RW, Williams K, Eggelte JA, Huikshoven M de Witt(1986). ELISA tests for dapsone and pyrimethamine and their application in a malaria chemoprophylaxis programme. Bulletin of World Health Organisation, 64: 909-916[PMCID: 2490978], [PMID: 3493860]
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